Picking The Right Agreement

We know that deciding which type of agreement to generate can sometimes be confusing. This article will help you figure out which agreement type to choose.

Use The Legal Task Manager

In most cases, the easiest way to figure out which agreement to choose is to use the Legal Task Manager. The tasks that prompt you to create an agreement are generally linked to the right agreement type within the Agreement Generator. We intentionally linked tasks directly to the relevant agreement type to simplify your life as a user.

Note: The Legal Task Manager does not distinguish between boot camps and workshops, so the task is generally linked to the Agreement Generator. For those offers, choose the correct Terms & Conditions based on whether you are creating a boot camp or a workshop.

The Plainly Legal™ Task Manager will guide you to the right agreement for the core agreements you'll need in your business, including website policies, releases, agreements for workers, agreements for one-on-one relationships, and terms and conditions for your group programs.

If you aren't sure based on your Legal Task Manager, keep reading...

Use The Knowledge Base Guidance

We have created a series of articles to help you decide which agreement type to use based on your business goal.

If you want an agreement for a new one-on-one client, check out this article.

If you want terms and conditions for a new one-to-many program, check out this article.

If you want terms for an online event, check out this article.

If you want an agreement to use with a worker, guest expert, or partner, check out this article.

If you are trying to figure out which release to use, check out this article.

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