How Do I Choose The Right Group Program Terms?

If you’re looking for terms and conditions for your one-to-many offer, you are in the right place. The documents in this category cover three types of offers: (1) digital downloads, (2) programs sold using a subscription model, and (3) programs sold for a set fee. 

NOTE: We have a separate article for events, including virtual events, bootcamps, and workshops. 

Digital Downloads

If you are selling templates, ebooks, social media captions, or other digital downloads, you’ll want to use the Digital Product Terms & Conditions, which is built specifically for these kinds of downloadable products. 

The Digital Product Terms & Conditions document is not intended for programs that include training. If your product includes lessons and other material, your best bet is to use the Online Course Agreement, which is described in the Program Sold for a Set Fee section below. 

Programs Sold Using A Subscription Model

If you are selling a program where buyers make automatically renewing recurring payments until they cancel and have access as long as they keep paying, you’ll want to use the Online Membership Terms & Conditions. 

NOTE: It does not matter if you call your program something other than a membership. If you are using a subscription model (i.e., ongoing payments that auto-renew), there are specific legal requirements. We’ve built the Online Membership Terms & Conditions to cover those types of offers. 

Programs Sold For A Set Fee

If you are selling a program for a defined fee (even if there are multiple payment options), you can choose from three documents: (1) Online Course Terms & Conditions, (2) Group Terms & Conditions, and (3) Mastermind Agreement. The difference comes down to what we have as default options for elements you can say are included in your program. 

NOTE: Do not use these agreements for a program if your customers make automatic recurring payments until they cancel. These agreements have payment plan options but are not suited for models where people remain until they cancel. 

The Online Course Terms & Conditions is built for programs that include at least a training component but might also include a discussion group, group Q&A sessions, individual calls, and bonuses. This document includes multiple payment options and will work for evergreen or live cohort courses. And it has provisions for programs that offer “lifetime access” and for programs that offer access for only a limited period of time. 

The Group Coaching Terms & Conditions is similar to the course terms, but it has additional default options for elements of your program. The template we use on the back end allows you to quickly add clauses for group coaching sessions, access to live intensives, other paid programs, live event tickets, and even Voxer access. In other words, this is the document for you if you offer a higher touch experience. This agreement will work for your program whether you use a rolling enrollment (i.e., people join anytime for a set period) or a cohort model (i.e., everyone starts and ends simultaneously). 

The Mastermind Agreement is for your highest-touch programs. It is very similar to the Group Coaching Terms & Conditions, with a few tweaks to make it fit the mastermind model used in the online world. One significant difference is that the Mastermind Agreement is not set up for rolling enrollment programs. This Agreement is intended for programs where all participants will start and end simultaneously (although some might sign up for the next year).

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