Accessing Prior Agreements

Plainly Legal™ saves all the agreements you create. Once you have created your first agreement, you will see a list of prior agreements when you first access the Agreement Generator. To see your lists, just click on the "Agreement Generator" button on your home screen:

Once you click that button, you'll be taken to your list of prior agreements It will look something like this:

Your list will include all the agreements you have created and the status on the right side of the screen:

You'll see a "View" status if you have finalized your agreement. You'll see a "Resume" status if you have not finalized your agreement.

You can filter by status at the top of the list, by choosing either Incomplete or Complete:

By default, you will see all agreements.

You can access any of these agreements by clicking on that agreement's row. It should be clickable anywhere in the row.

There are three other options available to you directly from your agreement list. You can Rename, Duplicate, or Delete an agreement by clicking on the circle with three dots in it next to the status:

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