Completing Your Legal Audit

Because the legal audit is the backbone of the Legal Task Manager feature, you'll be prompted to complete it the first time you enter it.

Luckily, the process is relatively straightforward. The system walks you through a series of questions about the core areas of your business. Behind the scenes, Plainly Legal™ is figuring out which question to ask you next based on the answers you've already provided.

All you have to do is answer the questions you see. Here's a video walkthrough of the process:

For those who'd rather read, here are some highlights:

How to navigate while in the legal audit

Generally speaking, you should not have to do any "navigation" while in the audit. You answer the questions as they are presented.

But you may decide that you want to change an earlier answer. If that is the case, you'll navigate back using the side panel navigation:

Note: Do not use the "back" button in your browser while you are in the audit. Clicking the back button will not move back to the previous question, it will reset all answers and take you back to start over.

Complete the audit in a single sitting

You'll need to complete the legal audit all at once. There is no option to "save" your answers before the initial audit is finalized. That means you must commit enough time to complete the audit in one sitting, or you will have to start over.

Luckily, completing the audit should not take you long. Even for the most complicated online businesses, completing the legal audit should take no more than 15 minutes.

The good news is that you can update your answer anytime once you have completed the initial legal audit.

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