Document Presets Overview
We value making the legal stuff easy for you. Hence, the Document Presets.
The Document Presets allow you to fill in certain information and make certain choices once that will then pre-populate your Plainly Legal™ documents as you generate them in the future. There are three main benefits of using the Document Presets.
Benefit #1: Save time with pre-filled information.
When you use the Document Presets, you will save time and do away with repeat questions. The key benefit of using the document presets is to simplify your process every time you need to generate legal documents. As a business owner, we anticipate you'll be a repeat Legal Doc Generator user, so having your standard answers to questions already decided ahead of time will certainly save you time!
Why fill in your "Company Name" on every agreement when you can fill it in once in the Document Presets and then have the system automatically fill it in for you in the future?
NOTE: Anything you do fill into the Document Presets will result in skipping questions when you create documents, so only fill in information that you want to be the same for every document you create.
Benefit #2: Make decisions one time rather than each time you create a document.
In addition to prepopulating certain fill-in-the-blank information about your business, the Document Presets let you make decisions about how and where you want disputes resolved once rather than having to consider this for each agreement.
In the Document Presents, you can choose between having disputes resolved through arbitration or court proceedings and can choose the legal standards that will apply in those proceedings. Most business owners will want to make that decision once and never have to think about it again, and the Document Presets let you do exactly that.
Benefit #3: Add disclaimers that are specific to your business.
If your business is related to legal, medical, health, fitness, tax, or financial issues, chances are that you'll want to add disclaimers to a lot of your legal documents. For example, a health coach will probably want a disclaimer in their coaching agreement saying that coaching is not a substitute for the advice and guidance of a medical professional.
The Document Presets let you add those disclaimers automatically. You can turn on disclaimers for each of these subjects and our system will add standard disclaimer language to the documents when you create them.
You can even customize the disclaimer language if you need to add something truly specific to your business.
Setting Up Your Document Presets
As you set up your information, you can control if you want these questions asked on our legal documents every time or if you wish to have them as a preset.
For each question in the Document Presets, you will need to toggle "use preset" or keep it untoggled to "ask every time". (Don't forget to click the Save button!)
These options can be changed at any time, so if something needs to be updated in the future, you simply need to head to Manage Account and you can update as needed!
NOTE: To Edit Your Presets you will need to untoggle your preferences first, add your edits, and then click "save".
Feature Availability
Document Presets are available to anyone on an annual plan. If you are subscribed to a monthly or quarterly plan and would like to use Document Presets, you'll need to upgrade to an annual subscription.